Figma vs. Sketch

September 24, 2021

Figma vs. Sketch

As a UI designer, the tools you use can make all the difference. Two of the most popular UI design tools are Figma and Sketch. While they both have their strengths and weaknesses, it can be tough to decide which one is the best fit for your design needs.

In this article, we’ll provide a factual and unbiased comparison of Figma vs. Sketch, including numbers when possible. By the end of the article, you’ll have a clear understanding of which tool to use depending on your design needs.

Comparison Overview

Let’s start by summarizing the main features of each tool:

  • Figma: browser-based design tool, cloud-based, collaborative design workflow, vector networks, real-time collaboration, and prototyping.

  • Sketch: desktop-based design tool, pixel-perfect interface design, flexible vector editing, exportable assets libraries, and prototyping.

Now, let's dive deeper into the specifics of each tool.

User Interface

Both Figma and Sketch have intuitive user interfaces that are easy to navigate. However, the user interfaces are different. Sketch’s interface is designed for macOS, which makes it feel more native, while Figma’s interface is browser-based. Nonetheless, Figma’s browser-based interface increases collaboration by making it accessible from any device or browser.

Design Collaboration

One of Figma’s strongest suits is design collaboration. As a cloud-based design tool, it’s specifically designed for real-time, interactive, and collaborative design workflows. This means that designers can quickly gather and incorporate feedback from team members, clients, and stakeholders, improving the design process's overall efficiency. The collaborative aspect of Figma makes it the top choice for teams that work on big projects with diverse members.

Sketch, on the other hand, has recently introduced features to collaborate with team members. It is possible to collaborate with Sketch but not as seamlessly as it is with Figma. Still guessing the winner? keep reading.


Both Sketch and Figma have prototyping capabilities, but Figma’s are more robust. With Figma, you can create interactive prototypes with animation, transitions, and more. Simultaneously, Sketch's prototyping involves adding transitions to artboards. Although it's an excellent feature of Sketch, it does not have the complications Figma's approach is packed with.

For designers who build prototypes, Figma is the more powerful tool.

Vector Editing

Vector editing is an essential part of UI designing, as it enables you to make specific, precise changes that raster images cannot replicate. When it comes to vector editing, both Figma and Sketch shine, with detailed vector editing tools to help you create on-brand designs. However, Figma has a slight edge in this area; the use of the vector network interface makes it easier to modify and manipulate vector paths.

File Management

One significant difference between Sketch and Figma is how they handle file management. Figma's cloud infrastructure allows it to store all its design files and code-like Github. This feature enables seamless cloud-based design collaboration.

Sketch, on the other hand, is a macOS app that stores its files locally on your computer's hard drive. This arrangement may limit team members' accessibility to the design file, which can slow down the design process's feedback and collaboration.


Last but not least is pricing. Figma operates on a "freemium" pricing model, offering a free plan with limited features and the more advanced versions at $12-$45/user/month. This pricing model provides access to all features regardless of purchasing level, enabling it to scale well with growing teams.

Sketch's pricing model consists of a one-time payment of $99 for individual users and $9/month/user for team plans. This one-time payment may seem desirable for independent designers with limited budgets. However, if your team grows, the price will stack up until the one-time payment is thought the best option.


There is no clear winner; both Figma and Sketch are excellent UI design tools, and both have their unique advantages.

If you are looking for cloud-based design collaboration, powerful prototyping, and refined vector path tools, Figma will be the best choice.

In contrast, Sketch's pixel-perfect interface design capabilities are ideal for creating designs meant for immediate implementation without the need for further alterations.

Overall, it is best to select a UI design tool that is most compatible with your design project's goals and objectives.


  1. Figma Vs Sketch: A Complete Comparison
  2. Figma Vs. Sketch – Which Is Better?
  3. Figma Vs Sketch Comparison in 2021

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